
Off-road ATV School

The aim of our ATV off-road school is to enable more people to get familiar, see closer and feel the magic of off-road with ATV.

That’s why our program divides the training into two levels, according to the point of difficulty. These are – „Beginners” and „Advanced”. You will receive from our instructors the best advice, so that you build and further develop some really good skills in ATV riding.

The „Beginners" level is intended for cadets who have no or little experience in riding ATV off-road.

Difficulty: At this level our instructors will pay attention to your skills from the basic stage. Training starts from the “letter A”, and initially we pay the necessary attention to theory. It is an important part from the training of an ATV-rider. Theory is crucial for the practical progress of the ATV-rider in time, as well as for the right mastering and performance of elements from the riding technique.

Practice in off-road conditions is the substance of the course. Our concept divides the training in the „Beginners" level, into several stages, where the difficulty of technical elements rises along with the skills of the cadet.

Upon successful completion and mastering of the elements in the „Beginners” level, the cadet will have the opportunity to pass on an upper level of training, „Advanced”.

The „Advanced” level is an intermediate level in ATV-riding. It is intended for cadets who have successfully passed the „Beginners” level or who already have initial experience of their own. Have you reached that level, you are experienced enough to start experimenting on your technique.

Difficulty: Just like in the previous level, our concept in „Advanced” training level is divided into several stages. Entrance and progress of cadets in the stages depends on their current practice level and their individual skills, as well as on their persistence to progress in the training.

In the „Advanced” level our instructors will pay attention to some of the basic stages of the development of an off-road ATV-rider. Here you’ll have the opportunity to master some off-road techniques, for example – riding on a slippery terrain, managing ATV by sliding, jumping and controlling the ATV during jumps, using tracks and turns for stability of the machine and many other techniques that will make you feel the real pleasure of riding ATV off-road.